1|1|0|A credit means a positive number and a debit means a negative number.|True.|1
1|2|1|A credit means a positive number and a debit means a negative number.|False.|0
2|1|0|If you make a purchase with cash then which is the most likely transaction.|Debit cash and credit the expense account.|1
2|2|1|If you make a purchase with cash then which is the most likely transaction.|Credit cash and debit the expense account.|1
2|3|0|If you make a purchase with cash then which is the most likely transaction.|Debit the expense account and record the cash amount in the cash register.|0
3|1|1|Double entry accounting systems are designed to:|Reduce the possibility of error and make the tracking of transactions easier.|1
3|2|0|Double entry accounting systems are designed to:|Make an automatic backup of the transactions as they are entered.|1
3|3|0|Double entry accounting systems are designed to:|Produce a journal log which can be used for auditing, tax preperation, and reporting.|0